Welcome to our Annual Reports section. Here you can find our most recent annual reports.


We are pleased to share our 2023 Annual Report, which highlights our key accomplishments for the year.

We closed the year 2023 as another impactful year at Navrongo-Bolgatanga Catholic Diocesan Development Organisation (NABOCADO), which I am filled with immense gratitude. Our collective efforts have transformed lives, empowered communities, and driven positive change.

This annual report is a testament to our shared journey from grassroots initiatives, innovations and active participation to policy advocacy. We have made strides toward our mission. Each project and partnership have contributed to our success.

Let us celebrate the milestones:

  • The Livelihood and Advocacy Directorate directly benefited 11,353 people in 206 communities in 16 districts in Upper East and North East regions of Ghana in the area of sustainable agriculture practices, local innovations and climate change adaptation action plans.
  • The Good Governance Justice and Peace Directorate responded to demands in peacebuilding, child protection, humanitarian and emergency response, youth and migration directly reached out to 4,128 people in 20 Municipal and District Assemblies in the Upper East Region and North East Regions.
  • The Diocesan Health Service covered a total of 135,640 Outpatient Department (OPD) attendants and recorded an OPD per capita rate of 3.6. There were 2,580 (169.9%) antenatal registrants and 2,244 (147.8%) supervised deliveries, reflecting an increase of 14.1% in supervised deliveries in 2023.
  • Partnership and networking created opportunities for the organisation visibility and knowledge sharing by placing us at the forefront as a preferred local institution of excellence.

We faced challenges during the year under review ranging from; funding gaps, logistical hurdles, and unforeseen crises with a surge of displaced persons from our neighbouring countries. But our resilience prevailed because we adapted, innovated, and stood together.

To our donors, volunteers, staff, and beneficiaries: thank you. Your unwavering support fuels our mission. You are the heartbeat of NABOCADO.

Let us dream bigger, collaborate deeper, and impact wider because our work is far from done, but together, we can create a more just and compassionate world.

With heartfelt gratitude.

Dr Joseph A. Ayembilla (Human Development Coordinator, NABOCADO).

For more detailed information, please download the full report.