NABOCADO Staff receive capacity building in Fundraising and Communication.

Staff of Navrongo-Bolgatanga Catholic Diocesan Development Organization, NABOCADO have received capacity building in fundraising and Communications in emergency response and project implementation.

This a continuation of our partnership with CRS EMPOWER WARO with a five-day capacity building for our staff in two critical areas of our operations- Resource Mobilization and Communication.

The training which held under the EMPOWER WARO funded “Empowering Partner Organizations Working in Emergency Response” (EMPOWER) project seeks to equip
NABOCADO with skills and strategic expertise in Resource Mobilization and Strategic Communication.

Under the facilitation of Nanette GENDRY, Regional Communications Manager at CRS WARO and Astrid AGOSSOU
Business Development Technical Advisor for CRS EMPOWER WARO, NABOCADO will design a Communication Strategy Workplan which will help in our stakeholder and partner engagements.

Topics discussed included proposal writing, fundraising, stakeholder engagement, photography among others.

Story and Photos by : Moses Apana, NABOCADO.

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